Okay so there are 2 issues with that statement 1, I have to go to work so no hobby for me in the morning and 2, green stuff doesn’t actually smell, but I like the theme I’ve got going on, although I may need some suggestions on the next article title…

The idea behind these articles is to chronicle my decent into plastic crack addiction, and to be fair I have it pretty bad as Phil, my plastic crack pusher can testify to. [He really does - Ed.]

So a quick update: my Mordheim warband is complete. Well to a point. There are still a few conversions I have designs on and they are unpainted at present, but I want to get a few more games under my belt and see how they develop before doing any more work on them. Monty’s Bastards have had their second outing, you may have seen images going up on twitter, anyway it ended pretty much the same as the previous outing. Monty only managing to limp off thanks to a tenuous alliance with Neil’s Skaven.

I am hooked on Mordheim and as previously mentioned, I do regret sneering at it for being an inferior Necromunda. I think my problem was I was never a fan of Warhammer Fantasy so tarnished Mordheim with the same brush, which when you consider I loved Warhammer Quest doesn’t really make a huge amount of sense. But I guess that’s what happens from being a snooty up hiver.

As evidence of my addiction I have a Russian Coalition fleet for Dystopian Wars which I am yet to play, but I love the models, although not 100% sure on the sputnik look-a-like air ships, and I now find myself with a Necron fleet for Battle Fleet Gothic which are currently being stripped of paint ready to be rebranded as Star Fleet ships. Seriously turn a Scythe Class harvest ship upside down and tell me it doesn’t look a hell of a lot like the Enterprise.

And I’m now looking at some Warmachine Warjacks… but not for Warmachine. [Because it sucks! - Ed.] I’ve never really been interested in it despite the models being quite cool. But I’m looking at them with the intention of converting them into Chaos Titans to use in Adeptus Titanicus II, and after reading another blog I’m feeling really inspired.

And that’s what I wanted to talk about a bit more, converting models and proxying. I have never liked having standard models, it’s one of my things. I always wanted mine to look a little different to everyone else’s models. I remember my old Chaos Champion put together from a mixture of bits including Dante’s Cloak, Yarrick’s Claw a few Storm Bolters and a hacked up Lighting Claw. Since returning to the hobby, Phil has opened my eyes to the wider wargaming world I see a whole plethora of possible proxies waiting to be converted. A little bit of green stuff some imagination and you don’t need to have a standard model. Okay so it may not be so easy to convert Space Marines but to be honest Scibor do some really nice casts and I am itching for an excuse to lay my hands on some of their Science Fiction Warriors.

In fact one of the #warmongers mentioned recently creating a Welsh Space Marine Chapter. Scibor do Celtic Science Fiction Warriors range so this may be a good place to start. And if said company would like to send me any models for mentioning them well that’s fine by me. Doing these sorts of conversions and proxies does tend to lend itself more to the skirmish style games but you can still create a nice character for your army from another games models. Freebooters do some great models some of them would work well with a sculpted cloak and could either be a Dark Elf or Wood Elf depending on which way you swing.

And if you are in to the specialist games you could do worse than look at Firestorm Armada for Battle Fleet Gothic proxies, the great thing about the range is you can buy spares and different parts so you could create pretty much anything you wanted within reason and if you had the ability and patience to do so. I still have one I’d like to create myself but for use in Firestorm Armada, for a scenario I have swimming around in my head. But I think I have enough games systems to deal with for the time being and I think I may take the plunge into Dreadball next.

What I’m saying is there’s no need to have the standard models when there’s so much available and really all it takes is a pair of clippers some glue maybe a bit of green stuff and some imagination. I know I’m inspired to create unique models, and that’s what our hobby is about; being creative whether it’s with your back story, the scenarios you create or the models and terrain you develop for yourself.

As you can tell my addiction is running rampant, my wife is happy I have a hobby but not sure she’s so happy with everything that comes along with it, namely the boxes of models littering our dining room table and the sheet of chip board and Styrofoam insulation I plan on using for the creation of a custom Mordheim board but that’s a separate article.

I would like to mention how much I appreciate The Chaps and the #warmongers community at large, as I’ve been made to feel accepted and its great having a group of like-minded people all willing to help each other out and share their thoughts and ideas.
Thank you.