Well this is a first for me. I set myself the challenge of a unit a month and so far I'm staying on target :) As most of you would of seen, I completed this lovely last month.....

The Eldar Void Dragon.

But that was July, so lets move onto August. After following some advice from the #Warmongers (find them on twitter). I decided upon a Guardian Defender Squad and troop transport. Even though I'm painting my army as the Sunblitz Brotherhood Corsairs I am actually using the Craftworld Codex for the army. So without further ado here is Guardian Defender Squad Faimen.

10 Guardian Defenders armed with Shuriken Catapults and a Scatter Laser. Led by the Poet Faimen.
The transport of Str 6 death. Armed with Twin-linked Shuriken Cannon and Nose Shuriken Cannon.
Group photo Faimen is located in the middle with the pickaxe style weapon.

Now I know everyone and they're dog seems to arm their waveserpent with scatterlasers for re-roll serpent shields. But I found this combo a strong winner in the last edition and plan on giving it a good outing in this edition :) This what do you think so far? Enjoying this new enthusiasm for the hobby.