Heir Commissar
So for Christmas of 2012 I received a ton of Allies.  Mainly because I didn't update my wishlists and my wife wanted to do something she normally doesn't do.  Buy me toys, as we call it.  I was so amazed and excited by the fact regardless if it was stuff I really couldn't use at the time.  
I got some Grey Knights, and my mother in law bought me a super sweet Valkyrie kit.  So quick run to the store and I have an HQ and troops to field the Valk or in this case Vendetta as Allies!!!! 
It also gave me a great excuse to pick up this pretty sweet model.  Granted its fail cast.  I had to puddy some holes in his boot, and one on his left side.  Other than that it actually is a really nice model, and has been pretty quick to get base coated, the details are the killers.