Hi all,

the current work is very repetitive - add damage and scratches.
It is slow and a bit boring. Thus not much to update.

But one of the little scenes is at the rear balcony, in front of the stained glass window and between the two NEMESIS CIWS'
Two of the crewmen use the spare time after the campaign and hit some golf balls :)
On Wednesday I took a little break from painting and cleaned some of my hobby stuff away.
I then realized with the 3 painters on the ATHENA deck ( http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--5r3EUlU26c/Ugs_adtAUbI/AAAAAAAARoc/XsQZk9ZuKpo/s1600/IMG_5270.JPG  ) I will no longer need/use the old ATHENA bridge.
So I took it apart and tried to see what I can salvage from it.
These items here will definitely be used in an upcoming project. The rest will most likely end up part of some scenery....
I was actually hoping that I could use the little shrine and the "Vade Retro" image on the ATHENA, but both pieces are too big to be of any sensible use ....
oh well...

 Thanks to DavidXD and etiennerondeau for pointing out that my front banner slogan makes absolutely no sense.
I went back through my notes and realized I goofed up big time :P
I mixed some notes from an older project, references I had, AND made a spelling error!
lol, how bad can it get?

So I updated the slogan to "Sine Timore - Invictus Maneo!"
It should now make sense :)
The starboard side's upper level is now prepared and ready to get the damage paint.
And I prepped the scene for the paint duty scene...
I think this will look nice once completed.
I hope you like today's update.