All those pondering it for your Friday (Cocktails) or Saturday (Beer) evenings,

The Craft Beer seminar will involve tasting of FIFTEEN different American beer styles and variants. Instructor Chris Jacques, a DC Area Brewmaster formerly with Harpoon and presently w/ Rock Bottom, will be rolling through his personal choices and a history of craft brewing in America. He's guessing each attendee will be getting through around 3 pints of this nation's best brew.

The Craft Cocktail seminar will involve rolling through the craft and tasting of the "fundamental" cocktails from which all others invariably sprout, and will include a 2nd hour LAB session where you'll be working hands on learning to make the basics, and learning how to twist them into your own brand of American Craft Cocktail.

Some spots remain in each course, held in the Presidential Suite of the Hyatt, with proceeds benefiting the efforts of the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation (501c3).