"Surgery prepped and ready..."

" ...sir."

"Is the operating room sanitized?"


"Good.  Bio-mecha-constructs thrive on challenges to their immune systems."

"I'll spit on the instruments."

"Good man."

"Wow!  That is one enormous unwrapped Hentai-class appendage."

"You're looking at him upside down."

"I haven't seen anything like that since we worked on Bjorn the Fell-Clawed."

"The Brotherhood Dreadnought?"

"The very same.  His Red Rocket Punch has to be seen to be believed."

"I'll take your word for it."

"There!  His leg is all fixed.  Reattach the tail, slap on some green stuff and touch up the paint.  I've even repurposed the Green Stuff Industries tentacle."

"Is that the awesome Green Stuff Industries Tentacle Maker you're referring to?"

"Why, yes it is!  You'd think it was a sponsored product or something."

"Surgery complete.  Let's enjoy a cold Shiner Bock, people."