So last night I got back into my nocturnal habits and stayed up into the wee hours working on wee men! I couldn't resist and painted Gorbad (despite my OTT anal organisation screaming at me the whole time!!) to about 91.3% completion! I still need to do some weathering on his armour to delineate the change from rider to boar, add blood effects and his banner pole. I really happy with how he came out and the model was a joy to paint, really awesome! The bit I am most happy with is the "Ironclaw" it's self, Gorbad's out stretched claw pointing into the distance. Its the first time I have tried doing a scratched and battered enamel steel surface/object and I think it came out pretty well! Also painting Orc flesh is just a joy compared to Ogres!

Anyway any thoughts would be much appreciated and I'll get pics up soon when the model is 100% finished (8.7% to go!).