I've posted a couple of images of the Riptide in progress, but here are a whole bunch of the finished piece. Of course, thanks to the overhead positioning of the front hatch, the interior doesn't really show up in any of the photos. Not to worry. My client likes it a lot, so that's always the best part of finishing a commission.

I hope you enjoy the photos too.

I'll be taking this along to the Crystal Palette at the NOVA Open this weekend, hopefully he'll do well there before I ship him off.

Speaking of the NOVA Open, you still have a chance to get in and buy a few more raffle tickets to win the great Redemption of the Fallen army (containing a Ravenwing squad painted by me).

Here's a link to photos of the whole army.

Here's a link to the page where you can buy your tickets!

Additionally, Incursion is reaching its final days on Kickstarter. Head on over, check out the gameplay video, and think about pledging to this excellent rerelease.
