So the contest prizes posts are finished ( for now ).. so back to some normal posts.. 

Ok, so we came home from work ( or the dentist in my case ) and saw this on the floor near my desk. :(

I can honestly say that I was more than a little upset and sad to see this.. especially after all the work that I have put into it recently.. It was quite clear that the cats are trying to send me a message here. I guess they don't like their new food or something. 

So repair operations were called in to help remedy the situation. 

You can barely see, but they exist, the hairline cracks on the bricks from where it fell and snapped off. Will update them to show them as being part of the design now.

I have also put the Rabbit onto the socket alongside Alice now. A few more tweaks are required before I can call it fully finished also.

So please have a look at the final set up of the socket here. All photos are from the workbench and with the cell phone. Expect much better ones soon enough.. just have to touch up a few points and call it 100% finished. I am really pleased with how this turned out, aside from the damaged aspects, and I am hopeful for how it will do within the Brushbrothers contest coming up.