Today, we are pleased to announce the formation of a new Chapter of the Wargate in a neighboring state!  The Texas Chapter is helmed by The WarSmith, and he has submitted a short report on what's been happening in their neck of the woods.  The entire club is excited about the Robotech releases, and it seems the giant robot fever is catching on everywhere!  Now I'll turn it over to the WarSmith for some good Palladium news!

Hey everyone, This is the WarSmith, from your Texas Chapter of The Wargate. Today I would like to talk about our group, Palladium Books, & Robotech RPG Tactics. You can expect to see monthly updates on our battles, games, and projects we have been working on. We are still looking for members, as we are a small chapter.  We're sure to have more soon!

Some of the projects we have been working on lately are as follows. We have finished all of our Lord of the Rings scenery. We still have the Goblin Town for The Hobbit to complete. Work on Warhammer scenery is coming along nicely with an Arcane Ruins and Walls and Fences set nearning completion.  I change my focus to painting an adventuring party by Reaper Miniatures I purchased for Vincent's Dungeons & Dragons games coming up this Fall. We have fought several Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit battles. Mostly small skirmishes where the forces of good have seemed to stay on top.

When I was younger I used to always want to get a X-mas Grab bag from Palladium Books. I always seemed I ran out of money or flat forget before the deadline each year. The X-mas Grab bag is a sale Palladium has once a year around the Holidays. You send them a wish list of 10-12 items you would like and  $40. The nice folks down at Palladium will send you $80+ worth of product and at your request will Autograph it too. This seemed like a great idea to beef up the book selection at Texas Wargate.

We ended up with lots of great books, artwork, and extras. Through doing this I found out that I had just missed the opportunity to participate in the Kickstarter for Robotech: Genesis Pits Sourcebook. Through their weekly news letters I found out about the Dark Ages at Palladium a time in 2002-2004 when a trusted employee and friend stole 1.2 million dollars in cash & merchandise  This was almost the end of Palladium Books. But through their many fans and crowd funding projects they were able to stick around. I vowed to help them with whatever projects they had upcoming.

Robotech has always been my favorite Palladium game. I was a huge fan of the Anime as a youngster. Palladium books is the main reason we were all able to enjoy those shows as a kid. They were the sole distributer of the Series on VHS in the 80's. I could even go further to say that they sparked the love for Japanese Anime in America by paving the way with Robotech.  

Now, Robotech RPG Tactics is set to be released by Christmas this year. This will appeal to collectors, role players, and table top battle gamers. The miniatures look incredible and are 1/285th scale. The Texas Chapter of The Wargate pledged the Showdown level which affords us 2 complete Boxed sets of the game as well as many extras we unlocked throughout the pledge period.

Together, Palladium / Robotech Fans raised 1.42 million dollars on the Kickstarter. There have only been 30 other projects in Kickstarter history to raise over a million and only one of them was gaming related. This is a huge boost for Palladium who would like to release miniatures for all 3 Robotech wars. We expect to have the Kickstarer in November or December!