Yes, finally, it is here! All the pre-post articles lead us to this moment.. this one moment when all will be revealed on how you can win that glorious thing called loot!

A HUGE thank you to everyone who has helped me get to this point. As you can see in the photo below, I have had a really big month worth of hits due to the Games Day Germany content!

In August I received almost DOUBLE what I had for visitors and hits than the previous month of July. Which was already my best month at almost 10,000 views! So a massive THANK YOU! for following, looking, commenting, and sharing my posts!

But your not all too interested in that though are you.. so.. how can you win prizes here? Well, most of you are pretty familiar with the blog prize criteria, so it should be pretty straight forward for you.

But for those who are not familiar with it, let's lay it out on the line here then, shall we?

Rules are as follows..

  • Be a follower of the blog! Pretty simple. You can see the followers app on the left of the blog here. Just click on the Join this Site if you haven't already. 
  • Comment on this article! Again, pretty simple. Even a "Hello World" comment will suffice! 

Do this and you are entered into the contest!

But wait, there's MOAR!

If you also share this post on your blog and I will give you a second entry into the contest! 2 chances to win! Whoo hoo! 

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd.... if your comment is more than just a Hello World, and states what you like about this blog or what you would like to see more of, I will give you ANOTHER chance to win, for a total of 3 entries into the contest!

So here are the prizes once more!


I will keep this contest open until Monday, Sept 9th. So you have until then to comment, share, and enjoy this post for your chance to win! I will throw all the names into a big hat or bowl or something that names can be pulled out of. And draw for the prizes in order. See what lady luck gives us for all of the items up for grabs here. So again, you have until Monday, Sept 9th to enter, and that is until I post the ending post which is currently scheduled for Noon Turkish time. Basically same time this is posted, but a week later. 

BUT.. this is not all! I have a super secret prize that I would be willing to give out.. however it requires a lot of help from all of you! So far my biggest post worth visiting is of the GD Slayer Sword entry from a couple weeks back. It was so popular that it sprang to over 3k views in no time! Well.. I want to beat that goal with this post! So if this post can generate over 3k views, I will throw in a 6th Surprise Prize! Something rare, and that not many people have in their possession already! So.. go forth, share this post, comment on this post, like, google+, facebook, twitter this post.. and help me have a new record post to beat in the future!

You have one week! Go forth, SHARE AND ENJOY!