So recently there has been a small band wagon among my gamer friends to start a project board for our gaming projects. It was started by a great pod cast that outlined how to use standard project management techniques, to wow actually manage our gaming projects.
As I've said before I have the project ADD of a Ferret. I start stuff, either put it in the bag to use it or start something else before its finished. The number of finished mini's I have compared to stuff in progress is sad, very very very sad.
So over here to the right under Fifth Chapter Readiness you'll see a new link for Project Board. This is the public facing display of what I'm working on for the Salamanders.
Dono if it will help me work faster, but its shown me how bad I've been at working on Projects.
the Salamanders Project Board
Project Management for Gamers
by Mad Pat | Sep 3, 2013