It was too perfect not to use |
I pulled these from the complete list of all armies found here, removed the points values and cleaned them up for simplicity, removing the Army Primary Detachment in all cases except Latvia's - which was worth keeping ;) I also added links to the player blogs if I could find them. There's also a breakdown of the Tyranid lists on a French forum here, with some commentary on the role of each list and how it plays if you're Google Translate-inclined, and a difficulty rating with a scale of: + easy, ++ average, and +++ or more as difficult to handle. I included the difficulty rating and role here.
Lists after the break:
Team Germany (1st place)
PLAYER 4: Kayu "FenneQ" Orellana
HQ 1 - Warlord : Swarmlord
HQ 2 : Hive Tyrant 2 TL Devourers with Brainleech Worms Old Adversary Paroxysm Life Leech
HQ 1.1 : Tyrant Guard
HQ 2.1 : Tyrant Guard
Elite 1 : 3 Hiveguards
Elite 2 : 3 Hiveguards
Elite 3 : The Doom of Malan´tai in Transport 1
Troop 1 : 10 Termagaunts Devourers in Transport 2
Troop 2 : 10 Termagaunts
Troop 3 : Tervigon Catalyst Dominion Toxin Sacs Scything Talons Cluster Spines
Troop 4 : Tervigon Catalyst Dominion Onslaught Toxin Sacs Cluster Spines
HS 1: Mawloc
HS 2: Biovore
Transport 1: Mycetic Spore, transporting Elite 1
Transport 2: Mycetic Spore, transporting Troop 1
ARMY TOTAL [1850pts]
French Analysis: Defender
Difficulty: ++
Team Poland (3rd Place)
PLAYER 8: Jakub "Vladdi"Podruczny (captain)
HQ1: Hive Tyrant, (warlord), 2xTwin Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings, Old Adversary,Leech Essence, Paroxism, Regeneration
HQ2: Hive Tyrant, 2xTwin Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings,Leech Essence, Paroxism, Hive Commander; Regeneration
Elite1: The Doom of Malan'tai in transport 1;
Elite2: 3 Hive Guard Brood
Elite3: 3 Hive Guard Brood
Troops1: Tervigon,Cluster Spines,Adrenal Glands,Toxin Sacs, Catalyst
Troops2: Tervigon,Cluster Spines,Toxin Sacs; Catalyst;
Troops3: 10 Termagant Brood
Troops4: 10 Termagant Brood
Fast Attack1: Harpy, Cluster Spines
Fast Attack2: Harpy, Cluster Spines
Transport1: Mycetic Spore, Cluster Spines
French Analysis: Defender
Difficulty: ++
Team Finland (4th Place)
PLAYER 1: Jouni "Jouni" Haavisto (C)
HQ1 WARLORD : Hive Tyrant paroxysm leech essence 2 twin-linked devourers with brainleech worms, Armoured Shell, Old Adversary
HQ2 : Swarm Lord
HQ1.1 : Tyrant Guard
HQ2.1 : Tyrant Guard
Elite1 : 3 Hive Guard
Elite2 : The Doom of Malan'tai IN TRANSPORT 1
Troop1 : 10 Termagants
Troop2 : 10 Termagants
Troop3 : Tervigon stinger salvo adrenaline glands toxin sacs catalyst
Troop4 : Tervigon stinger salvo toxin sacs catalyst
Fast1 : 20 Gargoyles toxin sacs
Heavy1 : Biovore
Heavy2 : Trygon Trygon Prime Upgrade
Transport1 : Mycetic Spore Elite2
TOTAL : [1850]
French Analysis: Defender
Difficulty: ++
Team Ireland (5th Place)
Player 4 David McHugh
HQ 1: Hive Tyrant: Warlord, Wings, 2 Twin Linked Devourers with brainleach worms, Hive
Commander, Psychic Scream, Paroxism -
HQ 2: Hive Tyrant: Wings, 2 Twin Linked Devourers with brainleach worms, Old Adversary,
Psychic Scream, Paroxism -
Elite 1: 3 Zoanthropes -
Elite 2: 3 Zoanthropes: in transport 1
Elite 3: Doom of Malan’tai: in transport 2
Troop 1: Tervigon: Cluster Spines, Catalyst, Onslaught, Toxin Sacs
Troop 2: Tervigon: Cluster Spines, Catalyst, Onslaught, Toxin Sacs
Troop 3: Tervigon: Cluster Spines, Catalyst, Onslaught, Toxin Sacs
Troop 4: 10 Termagants
Troop 5: 10 Termagants
Troop 6: 10 Termagants
Transport 1: Mycetic Spore
Transport 2: Mycetic Spore
ARMY TOTAL: [1850]
French Analysis: Defender
Difficulty: ++
Team England (6th Place)
PLAYER 6: Andy Humphris (Venerable Brother)
HQ 1: Tervigon, Cluster Spines, Dominion, Catalyst, Onslaught, Toxin Sacs, Adrenal Glands (Warlord)
Elite 1: 2 Zoanthropes
Elite 2: 2 Zoanthropes
Elite 3: Doom of Malan’tai, Transport 1
Troop 1: Tervigon, Cluster Spines, Dominion, Catalyst, Onslaught, Toxin Sacs
Troop 2: Tervigon, Cluster Spines, Dominion, Catalyst, Onslaught, Toxin Sacs
Troop 3: 10 Termagants
Troop 4: 10 Termagants
FA1: 28 Gargoyles, Toxin Sacs
FA2: 28 Gargoyles, Toxin Sacs
FA3: 28 Gargoyles, Toxin Sacs
HS1: 2 Biovores
HS2: 2 Biovores
Transport 1: Mycetic Spore, Transports Elite 3
ARMY TOTAL [1848pts]
French Analysis: Attacker
Difficulty: ++
Team Sweden (7th Place)
PLAYER 7: (Joakim Engström)
HQ1: Warlord - The Parasite of Mortrex
Elite1; 3x Hive Guard
Troop 1: Tervigon Cluster Spine Catalyst Adrenal Glands Toxic Sacs
Troop 2: Tervigon Cluster Spine Catalyst Adrenal Glands Toxic Sacs
Troop 3: Tervigon Cluster Spine Catalyst Adrenal Glands Toxic Sacs
Troop 4: 10 Termagants
Troop 5: 13x Termagants in transport 1
Troop 6: 13x Termagants in transport 2
FA1: 30x Gargoyles Adrenal Glands Toxic Sacs
FA2: 30x Gargoyles Adrenal GlandsToxic Sacs
HS1: 1x Biovore
HS2: 1x Mawloc
Transport 1: Mycetic Spore
Transport 2: Mycetic Spore
ARMY TOTAL[1850pts]
French Analysis: Attacker
Difficulty: ++
Team Belarus (8th Place)
Alexander "Erle" Ivanov (CAPTAIN)
HQ1: Hive Tyrant, 2 x TL Devourers ; Wings ; Leech Essence ; Paroxism {warlord}
HQ2: Hive Tyrant, 2 x TL Devourers ; Wings ; Leech Essence ; Paroxism ; Old Adversary
Elite1: 2 x Hive Guard
Elite2: 2 x Hive Guard
Troop 1: Tervigon, Stinger Salvo, Scything Talons, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst
Troop 2: Tervigon, Stinger Salvo, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst
Troop 3: 10 x Termagant Brood
Troop 4: 10 x Termagant Brood
FA1: 9 x Ravener Brood, Rending Claws
FA1: 9 x Ravener Brood, Rending Claws
Army Total: [1850 pts]
French Analysis: Attacker
Difficulty: ++
Team Russia (9th)
Player7: Anton "Tinkivinki" Shubenkov
HQ1 Hive Tyrant, 2xTwin Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings, Old Adversary,Leech Essence, Paroxysm
HQ2:Hive Tyrant, 2xTwin Devourer with Brainleech Worms, Wings,Leech Essence, Paroxism, Hive Commander, Warlord
Elite1: The Doom of Malan'tai in transport 1
Elite2: 3 Hive Guard Brood
Troops1: Tervigon,Cluster Spines,Adrenal Glands,Toxin Sacs, Catalyst;Scything Talon
Troops2: Tervigon,Cluster Spines,Adrenal Glands,Toxin Sacs; Catalyst;
Troops3: 15 Termagant Brood, Devourers in transport 2
Troops4: 15 Termagant Brood, Devourers in transport 3
Troops4: 14 Termagant Brood, Devourers in transport 4
Heavy Support 1: 1 Biovore Brood
Transport1: Mycetic Spore
Transport2: Mycetic Spore
Transport3: Mycetic Spore
Transport4: Mycetic Spore
Total Roster Cost: 1850
French Analysis: Attacker
Difficulty: +++++
Team Ukraine (11th)
Player7: Sergey "Lot D" Mkhitaryan
HQ 1: HIVE TYRANT ; Twin Devourer with Brainleech Worms; Wings ; Leech Essence; Paroxism, (warlord)
HQ 2: HIVE TYRANT ; Twin Devourer with Brainleech Worms; Wings ; Leech Essence; Paroxism; Hive Commander
Elite 2: THE DOOM OF MALAN'TAI in Transport1
Troop 4: TERVIGON : Cluster Spines; Toxin Sacs; Adrenal Glands; Catalyst
Troop 5: TERVIGON : Cluster Spines; Toxin Sacs; Adrenal Glands; Catalyst
Troop 6: TERVIGON : Cluster Spines; Toxin Sacs; Adrenal Glands; Catalyst
Transport1: MYCETIC SPORE transporting Elite 2
TOTAL [1847 pts]
French Analysis: Attacker
Difficulty: ++
Team Serbia (12th)
PLAYER 6: Marko Rajacic
HQ 1: Tyranid Prime, lash whip & bonesword, toxic sacs, scything talons
Elite 1: 2 x Venomthrope
Elite 2: Doom of Malantai, Cataclysm in Transport 1
Troop 1: Tervigon, Dominion, Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, adrenal gland, Cluster spines
Troop 2: Tervigon, Dominion, Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, adrenal gland, Cluster spines
Troop 3: Tervigon, Dominion, Catalyst, onslaught, scything talons, Toxin Sacs, Cluster spines
Troop 4: Termagant Brood, 10 Gants
Troop 5: Termagant Brood, 10 Gants
Troop 6: Termagant Brood, 10 Gants
Heavy 1: 2xCarnifex, 4xtwin linked devourers with brainleech worms
Heavy 2: 2xCarnifex, 4xtwin linked devourers with brainleech worms
Transport1: Mycetic Spore carries Elite 2
ARMY TOTAL [1850pts]
French Analysis: Defender
Difficulty: ++
Team France (13th)
Player N°6: "EdlR" (Xavier A.)
HQ1 (Warlord): Hive Tyrant, wings, 2 TL devourers with brainleech worms, Regeneration, Paroxysm, Leech Essence
HQ2: Hive Tyrant, wings, 2 TL devourers with brainleech worms, Regeneration, Paroxysm, Leech Essence
Elite1: The Doom of Malan'tai - in Transport 1
Elite2: 3 Hive guards
Elite3: 3 Hive guards
Troop1: 10 Termagant brood
Troop2: Tervigon, Cluster spines, Regeneration, Toxin sacs, Adrenal Glands, Catalyst
Troop3: 10 Termagant brood
Troop4: Tervigon, Cluster spines, Regeneration, Toxin sacs, Adrenal Glands, Catalyst
Troop5: 10 Termagant brood
Troop6: Tervigon, Cluster spines, Toxin sacs, Catalyst
Transport 1: Mycetic Spore
Fo1: Bastion
ARMY TOTAL [1850pts]
French Analysis: "Versatile"
Difficulty: +++
Team Italy (15th)
PLAYER 2: Tiberiu "Masterchief" Stanciu
HQ1 – Warlord: Swarmlord
HQ1.2: Tyrant Guard Brood, 2*Tyrant Guard, 2*lash whips
Elites1: Ymgarl Genestealer Brood, 8*Ymgarl Genestealer
Elites2: Ymgarl Genestealer Brood, 8 Ymgarl Genestealer
Elites3: Doom of Malantai, on Mycetic Spore
Elites3.2: Mycetic Spore
Troop1: Tervigon cluster spines, toxin sacs, adrenal glands, catalyst, onslaught
Troop2: Tervigon cluster spines, toxin sacs, adrenal glands, catalyst, onslaught
Troop3: Tervigon cluster spines, toxin sacs, adrenal glands, catalyst, onslaught
Troop4: Termagaunt Brood, 10*Termagaunts
Troop5: Termagaunt Brood, 10*Termagaunts
Troop6: Termagaunt Brood, 14*Termagaunts
FA1: Gargoyles Brood, 20*Gargoyles, Toxin Sacks
Total [1848pts]
French Analysis: Defender
Difficulty: ++
Team Wales (16th)
PLAYER 6: (Filippo 'Fun Times' Cipriani)
HQ1 - WARLORD :Hive Tyrant, Wings, 2 x Twin Linked Devourers Life Leech, Paroxysm
HQ2 : Hive Tyrant, Wings, 2 x Twin Linked Devourers Life Leech, Paroxysm
Elite1 : 3 Hive Guard
Elite2 : 3 Hive Guard
Elite 3 : Doom of Malantai Transport1
Troop 1 : 10 Termagants
Troop 2 : 10 Termagants
Troop 3 : 10 Termagants
Troop 4 : Tervigon , Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, Cluster Spines
Troop 5 : Tervigon , Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, Cluster Spines
Troop 6 : Tervigon , Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, Cluster Spines
FA1: Harpy Twin Stranglethorn Cannon, Cluster Spines
Transport1: Mycetic Spore
French Analysis: Defender
Difficulty: ++
Team Switzerland (17th)
PLAYER 7: Matthieu "Altahyr" Porchet
HQ1- Warlord: Hive Tyrant 2 twin-linked devourers with brainleech worms, wings, paroxysm, leech Essence
HQ2: Hive Tyrant 2 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms, wings, old adversary, paroxysm, leech Essence
ELITE1: Hive Guard Brood, 3 Hive Guards
ELITE2: The Doom of Malan’tai riding in TRANSPORT1
TROOP1: Termagant Brood, 10 Termagants
TROOP2: Termagant Brood, 18 Termagants
TROOP3: Tervigon cluster spines, toxin sacs, catalyst
TROOP4: Tervigon cluster spines, toxin sacs, catalyst, onslaught
HS1: Carnifex Brood, 2 Carnifex, 4 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms
HS2: Biovore Brood, 1 Biovore
TRANSPORT1: Mycetic Spore
FORTIFICATION: Imperial Bastion
ARMY TOTAL=[1850 pts]
French Analysis: "Versatile"
Difficulty: ++
Team Scotland (19th)
PLAYER 7: Peter "Flogger" Alsén
HQ 1: The Parasite of Mortrex - WARLORD
ELITE 1: 3x Zoanthropes + Transport 1
Elite 2; Doom of Malant'ai + Transport 2
TROOPS 1: Tervigon Stinger Salvo, Catalyst Adrenal Glands Toxic Sacs
TROOPS 2: Tervigon Stinger Salvo, Catalyst Adrenal Glands Toxic Sacs
TROOPS 3: Tervigon Stinger Salvo, Catalyst Adrenal Glands Toxic Sacs
TROOPS 4: 11 Termagants
TROOPS 5: 10 Termagants
TROOPS 6: 10 Termagants
FAST 1: 25 Gargoyles Adrenal Glands, Toxic Sacs
FAST 2: 25 Gargoyles Adrenal Glands, Toxic Sacs
FAST 3: 25 Gargoyles Adrenal Glands, Toxic Sacs
TRANSPORT 1: Mycetic Spore
TRANSPORT 2: Mycetic Spore
[TOTAL = 1850]
French Analysis: Attacker
Difficulty: ++
Team Latvia (20th)
PLAYER 6: Alexey 'packer' Krivonogov
HQ1(Warlord): The Swarmlord
HQ2:Hive Tyrant (2x Twin-linked devourers), Old Adversary, Wings, Leech Essence, Paroxysm)
HQ3:Tyrant guard (Lash whip)
Elite1:Hive guard brood (3 models)
Elite2:Hive guard brood (3 models)
Elite3:The Doom of Malantai in Transport 1
Troops1:Termagant Brood (10 models)
Troops2:Termagant Brood (10 models)
Troops3:Tervigon (Adrenal glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst )
Troops4:Tervigon (Adrenal glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst )
FA1:Gargoyle Brood (30 models, Toxin sacs)
HS1:Biovore brood (2 models)
Transport 1: Mycetic spore transporting Elite3
Total Army Cost: 1850
French Analysis: "Versatile"
Difficulty: +++
Team Norway (21st)
PLAYER 5: Espen “Rolig” Roligheten
HQ1 :1 Hive Tyrant, Replace lash whip and bonesword for additional scything talons, replace 2 scything talons for twin.linked devourers with brainleech worms, wings, Hive commander, Toxin sacs, Psychic powers, Leech Essence, Paroxysm, Warlord
HQ2 : 1 Hive Tyrant, Replace lash whip and bonesword for additional scything talons, replace 2 scything talons for twin.linked devourers with brainleech worms, wings, old adversary, Toxin sacs, Psychic powers, Leech Essence, Paroxysm
Elite1 : 1 The Doom Of Malan’tai Psychic powers, warp blast, warp lance, cataclysm, transport 1
Troop 1 : 10 Termagant brood, The scuttling swarm
Troop 2 : 10 Termagant brood, The scuttling swarm
Troop 3 : 11 Termagant brood, The scuttling swarm
Troop 4 : 1 Tervigon, Replace stinger salvo for cluster spine, toxin sacs, Psychic powers, dominion, catalyst
Troop 5 : 1 Tervigon, Replace stinger salvo for cluster spine, toxin sacs, Psychic powers, dominion, catalyst
Troop 6 : 1 Tervigon, Replace stinger salvo for cluster spine, toxin sacs, Psychic powers, dominion, catalyst
HS1: 1 Trygon, toxin sacs
HS2: 1 Trygon, toxin sacs
Transport1 : 1 Mycetic spore, Elite 1
ARMY TOTAL [1850pts]
French Analysis: "Versatile"
Difficulty: ++
Team Belgium (22nd)
PLAYER 7: Alex “Bonkers” Bongers
HQ 1: Hive Tyrant, Wings, Old Adversary, 2x Twinlinked Brainleech Devourers, Paroxysm, Psychic Scream, WARLORD
HQ 2: Hive Tyrant, Wings, Old Adversary, 2x Twinlinked Brainleech Devourers, Paroxysm, Psychic Scream
Elite 1: Hive Guard Brood, 2 additional Hive Guards
Elite 2: Hive Guard Brood, 1 additional Hive Guards
Elite 3: Doom of Malantai, Cataclysm in Transport 1
Troop 1: Tervigon, Dominion, Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, Cluster spines
Troop 2: Tervigon, Dominion, Catalyst, Toxin Sacs, Cluster spines
Troop 3: Termagant Brood, 10 Gants (10x5 = 50)
Troop 4: Termagant Brood, 10 Gants (10x5 = 50)
FA1: Harpy, TL Venom Cannon, Stinger Salvo
FA2: Harpy, TL Venom Cannon, Stinger Salvo
FA3: Gargoyle Brood, 15 gargoyles (15x6 = 90)
Transport1: Mycetic Spore carries Elite 3
ARMY TOTAL [1850pts]
French Analysis: Defender
Difficulty: ++
Team Czech Republic (23rd)
PLAYER 5: Eva "Sihaja" Pluskalová
HQ1 - Warlord: Hive Tyrant, wings, 2x twin linked devourer with brainleech worms, Leech essence, Paroxysm
HQ2 : Hive Tyrant 170pts, wings, 2x twin linked devourer with brainleech worms,
Leech essence, Paroxysm
Elite1: Doom of Malan'tai in Transport1
Troop 1: 10x termagant brood
Troop 2: 10x termagant brood
Troop 3: 10x termagant brood
Troop 4: Tervigon, Catalyst, Dominion, Stinger salvo, claws and teeth
Troop 5: Tervigon, Scything talons, Catalyst, Dominion, Stinger salvo, claws and teeth
Troop 6: Tervigon, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, Dominion, Stinger salvo, claws and teeth
HS1 : Mawloc
HS2 : Mawloc
HS3 : Mawloc
Transport1: Mycetic spore transporting Doom of Malan'tai
ARMY TOTAL [1850 pts]
French Analysis: Defender
Difficulty: +
Team Romania (24th)
PLAYER 2: (Bogdan, Zazzel, Zanfir)
HQ1 : Warlord 1 Hive Tyrant, TL Devourer w/Brainleech Worms, Wings, Paroxism, Leech Essence
HQ2 : 1 Hive Tyrant, TL Devourer w/Brainleech Worms, Wings, Paroxism, Leech Essence
Elite1 : 1 The Doom of Malan'tai, in Transport 1
Elite2 : 2 Hive Guard Brood,
Elite 3 : 3 Hive Guard Brood
Troop 1 : 10 Termagant Brood
Troop 2 : 10 Termagant Brood
Troop 3 : 1 Tervigon, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst Troop 4 : 1 Tervigon, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst
FA1: 16 Gargoyle Brood, Toxin Sacs
HS1: 2 Biovore Brood
HS2: 2 Biovore Brood
HS3: 2 Biovore Brood
Transport1 : Mycetyc Spore
Fortification Skyshield Landing Pad
PRIMARY TOTAL [ 1847 pts ]
French Analysis: "Versatile"
Difficulty: ++
Team Iceland (28th)
PLAYER 7: Örn Steinar, Tenderloin, Haraldsson
HQ1 - Warlord: Hive Tyrant, Wings, Twin-Linked Devourers, Hive Commander, Paroxysm, Leech Essence
HQ2: Hive Tyrant, Wings, 2x Twin-Linked Devourers, Paroxysm, Leech Essence
Elite 1: 2x Zoanthropes
Elite 2: The Doom of Malan’Tai, Transport 1
Elite 3: 6x Ymgarl Genestealers
Troop 1 : Tervigon, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Onslaught, Catalyst
Troop 2 : Tervigon, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Onslaught, Catalyst
Troop 3 : 10x Termagants
Troop 4 : 14x Termagants, Devourers
HS1: Carnifex, 2x Twin-Linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Transport 2
HS2: 2x Biovores
Transport 1: Mycetic Spore, Elite 2
Transport 2: Mycetic Spore, HS1 1
ARMY TOTAL [1848p]
French Analysis: "Versatile"
Difficulty: ++