IG_haulWhat you see above is a lot of Imperial Guard minis that I just happened to luck onto at an amazing price. Now, what’s there in this picture is slightly converted for making Traitor Guard, but I’ve decide to forgo that path (my Slaaneshi Chaos Marines already have daemonic allies) and instead turn them into Steel Legion (or something looking vaguely like it) to ally with my Black Templars (which gives me an excuse to eventually get a Baneblade for Apocalypse). Here’s what I’m looking at so far:

  • Chimera w/Multilaser and Heavy Flamer
  • Leman Russ Executioner/Demolisher (have both turrets) w/Plasma Sponsons and Heavy Bolter
  • Vendetta
  • 10 Cadian Hostile Environment Troops w/ Sergeant and Voxcaster (to use as Veterans)
  • 40 Cadians w/ 4 Sergeants and 4 Voxcasters (some missing limbs, so I’ll need bits)
  • 3 Cadian Mortar HWT
  • 1 Sanctioned Psyker
  • 1 Master of Ordinance

On top of that, I already have a Death Korp of Krieg Quartermaster from Games Day to use as the Company Commander…

Yeah, he'll do.

Yeah, he’ll do.

And so I have the basics for a small IG force. There’s some repairs that need to be made – the Vendetta is missing a fin, and some guys are missing limbs – and there are conversions that need to be done. For example, if I’m going Steel Legion, Cadian heads are a no-go. Fortunately, there’s about 20 or so Pig Iron Kolony Militia heads, either loose or already on models…


So that’s a start. I’ll need to buy more, as well as possibly the command versions, but it’s a good start to getting them looking at least partially the part. I’m no good at sculpting, so giving them all coats isn’t in the cards, but I think this will be good enough.

The next step is figuring out what I may be lacking. I’ll probably want a couple of Company Command Squad boxes to flesh out the platoon and company squads, possibly 3 so I can get 3 plasmaguns. I’ve got three metal meltagun bits already, so I’ll want to convert those onto the veterans; might need to buy more bits for that as well.  After that… more heavy weapons teams? More Chimeras? More Leman Russes (and/or alternate weapon bits)? Some artillery (so tempted to get Basilisks, just because they look awesome)? As I embark upon the start of my 6th army (Tau, CSM, Daemons, Eldar, Black Templars, and now IG), I wonder what I might have gotten myself into…