If you ready yesterday's post about Marauder Miniatures, you will know that we are currently exploring the Warhammer releases from White Dwarf 113. And for an issue that saw the release of Space Hulk, there are very few shots of terminators to be found within the pages of the magazine. 

There are a great deal of other things floating about though, and those models will be of interest to any old school enthusiast. Lets have a look at what was on offer in this issue, shall we?

The new Imperial Knights get a page to themselves, with most of the Orders getting a model sitting astride those gorgeously painted plastic horses. Hiding in the bottom right, are some pre-release chaos squats. Very nice! Note, you can see a tiny picture of friend to Realm of Chaos 80s, Andy Craig, bottom centre in the painter's portraits. 
The second page has genestealers aplenty, and the look of these models is going to send Chico finally around the bend! These are lovely, lovely models, and the hybrid numbered 13 was on display at the Foundry last weekend. In truth, the photography cannot replicate the quality of the colours and the painting. You really have to see these models with you own eyes. Note: There are some Confrontation gangers here too, I am not sure if these were on general sale but that can raise a hefty price tag these days in the collecting world. 
The forthcoming Heroquest gets a page to its own. These were (presumably) the metal master casts for the later plastic models. Note: the dwarf, barbarian and skeleton are different sculpts to those that were in the box! Anyone know why? Mike McVey begins to show his mettle with these beautiful models. 
Bloodbowl 'Big 'Uns', Rogue Trader Orks in Heavy Armour and an early Imperial Guard Scout Walker. Random chaos squat thrown in there too, as you do!
More of Pete Taylor's massive chaos collection is chronicled, including more of his conversions. If anyone knows where Peter is these days, please do drop us an email here at Realm of Chaos 80s, as we would love to talk to him about his involvement in the '80s Warhammer Scene!
More of Peter Taylor's stuff, including an in game shot. Yes, that really is five odd Lord of Changes on one battlefield!!
Next time, something rather special. Especially of you are a fan of Gary Chalk's artwork!
