Nuke Guns.... Come get some!

I don't know about you guys, but on bikes, Grav weapons are very interesting option.  Consistently having relentless in addition to the meta where MCs and 2+ saves are king?  Well, White Scars are about to wreck a riptide fan's day!  Looking at you, my friend Justin Cook, the 2013 NOVA winner who was rocking out 4 riptides in his list. 

However, I really don't want to buy a box of sternguard or tactical marines to get the guns. So with a little bit of browsing, I came across these awesome looking guns from Puppetswar. 

Here is the link:

They look pretty close to grav guns as is, are going to be significantly cheaper then ebay fu.  I personally like them a lot and they are the right scale.  I plan on picking up 2 sets and some awesome shoulder pads for my legion of the damned bikers.

So what do you guys think?  Any other alternatives out there you'd like to share?