If you were to ask me a year ago what was wrong with the Vanilla Marines codex I would have told you three things. 1. Everything in it you can do better in another codex 2. Everything is cheaper the newer Marine Codex you use. 3. The Actual army lacks flavor overall. Now I would say overall I like it. The costs have been updated to match, or even go lower, than the other marine codices and Chapter tactics adds the flavor or specialization needed to give this army character. Today Army wide USR's are what gives an army flavor and use. Chapter tactics do this for us....but CT's have a little problem that needs an FAQ IMHO.

So is it me or are CT written a little poorly? Besides the questionable fact that it looks like you cant ally with a detachment of the same Tactics it seems only Ultradudes have to pick one trait as a one off lasts a turn. IF you read through the way they wrote the inter-codex ally rules they say you can ally with a army with another CT set. It also says that if you do have an army of two chapters with the same CT's they need to be in the same detachment . Its this wording that is poor and needs to be fixed but the way I read it you cant inter-ally unless its with another CT set.

So it seems they made Chapter Master's useful. Take Artificer armor, powerfist, bike, and the shield eternal and you have a 4 wound T5 2+/3++ EW model on a bike....That would be fun to explain to opponents (Yes its 245 points) Stick him in with my CS on bikes (needs libie too) and you have FNOP. Id love to roll IWND power on biomancy and explain this guy to my opponent. I plan I trying this out.

Wierdly enough it looks like they made legion of the Damned better at what sternguard use to do than Sternguard. For 145 points you get a 3++ relentless ignores cover unit with a melta gun and multi melta. Not bad. Sternguard need a pod and cost more because of it and dont have invulnerable saves. Still are they worth it? I use to run a unit of these guys for fun at tournaments quite a few years back, mostly because they made this local Tau guy crap his pants for some reason but I did win a tournament with them before.

135 point 5 man scoring bike squads (from my beat stick CM) with 2 gravy guns? Yes please. Cheap scoring bikes is huge. Especially if you combine with WS chapter tactics giving them 4/3+ jinks, hit and run, and ignore DT. +1 S to HOW is ok as well....+1 to jink really just makes Dark Angel Spooky speeder owners just cry.

Stalker doesnt look bad and its cheap. Can double its output, yes at lower BS, still its nice. AV 12/12/10 is huge when combined with cheap anti air. I was worried they would only be 11/11/10 like a rhino.

Devs cant get special weapons, nor can Command Squads? lame

Now for our micro sized Black Templar set.....sorry BT players, I was hoping for a real codex for them myself...

Well at least you dint have to take the Emp. Champ. anymore...

Anyone notice crusader squads can get a heavy weapon and a special weapon in a 5 man squad? Masters of MSU I see but mobs of 20+ models including marines with a scout shield is pretty cool. Also BT are nasty in challanges if properly done.

If you take Grimaldus you can take Cenobyte Servitors for a 6++ bubble, which is better than nothing

Still looks like a way better book. Seems like it needs a faq on a few things especially those chapter tactics. I like it...look back for some list ideas and some more digestion.....more on this later