Hey folks,

Here with a small update. I recently finished a fun little side project, some spiders. I have used the Forest Goblin Spiders from the Orcs & Goblins range by GW. Before I got to painting, I added small amount of greenstuff to the top to fill in the hole where the Goblins would sit. After that I went at it. They took me 8 hours to do. I had a fun time with these, and I will be sending them to a friend of mine for use in future games of Pathfinder or D&D.

As you can see, I added a little bit of lighing to them, around the eyes and on the back. I wanted to give the impression that they were somehow tainted by magic, and a sickly green glow seemed like a good idea. It also gave me some practice on OSL. (Object Source Lighting.)

Spiders Spiders Spiders
I am quite pleased with how they turned out. The green and purple contrast nicely, and the spiders look pretty menacing. I am getting more confident with painting OSL, and I am really excited to try it out on more projects.
