Regular readers will hopefully know that I along with Jason & Nate from Noobhammer, Adam from War More Radio and Ashely from Chickhammer have been working away on the Of Dice and Men Podcast.

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As we go into our 9th show we’ve been having a think about the show going forward into the future and beyond. We’re making a few changes which will gradually take effect over the next two or three months which will make the show better. I hasten to add not more serious, because Jase & I are still involved, just less of a bum fight.

The first step was to shut down the Of Dice and Men website. It wasn’t really serving a purpose that this site couldn’t fulfil, or pages on the websites of the other panelists. So with immediate effect that website is no more and all future episodes will be posted here instead. The episodes will just be listed on the ODAM page for now until they get something slightly prettier to look at, along with some changes to the site as a whole that are in the pipeline but that’s all hush-hush for now.

We’re also looking at more recording software to make the shows clearer and I’m also going to take a stab at recording which will give us greater freedom, take the pressure of Nate & Adam who are already so busy with their own shows and will allow me to expand The Shell Case and introduce TSC ODAM specials in which Adam and I get the other site contributors together for a couple of hours of cocking about.

We’ll also be looking at getting ODAM onto iTunes which will make it a damn sight easier for you wonderful lot to find it and hopefully reach a wider audience. Being totally ignorant to such things, I shall be exploring the hows, they whys, and the wherefores.

So lots happening and all of it good. We’ll be tackling ODAM 9 in the not too distant future so stay tuned…