Well, this isn't technically about 40k, but it is about a flyer that is about a 40k event. SeerK needs a promotional piece for the Craftworld Open tourney at UCON this year and I'm helping him get that ball rolling. I figure I'll put the revised version up on here and hopefully get some artistic feedback. There are still things I want to do but won't be able to until the text is finalized. I want to put an effect over all of the letters so that the font has the same lighting effect as the Aquila on the screen, you know, to give it that "old timey" hologram look. Also, I am debating whether to crop out the bottom part of the console. Initially I liked it because it gave the viewing machine a little character, but now I'm wondering if it is worth the visual real estate. I don't know. What do you think?

As a side note, I have been working to compile the general consensus on Critical Mass in lists and will be publishing something soon once I get this iteration straight in my own head.