So my order from Reaper ( the Vampire Bones package, plus 3 larger items, and the giants/demons sets ) has finally arrived!

This was successfully funded on August 26th, 2012.. and just arrived to me on Sept 8th, 2013.. well over a year to gain this.. one of the major downfalls of the kickstarter programs. Pay now.. receive much much much later.. I am still waiting for Phase 2 of Sedition wars which was just sent out recently also from the USA. So will be interesting to see when that one shows up, and if it too slips past Customs.

Well.. what about the quality? I have just had a quick look, and started to put together a few of the larger pieces. I can say that the initial look/feel/thoughts of this is that none will be used for showcase painting, except maybe the largest pieces. And those will require a lot of extra attention to make them work.

The rest will be used for testing new painting theories out, and be used in other board games, D&D games, and other such games as filler models for sure.

Most are bent and thin pieces due to the rubbery nature of the material used. Slightly oily ( mold release most likely ) is evident on some pieces, but I am sure a dishsoap bash and a run in with my scouring pads will clear that up.

I will attempt to paint up a few pieces this weekend among other items to see how they handle paint, and the airbrush primer. But this pile is going to take a while to get through, and I am going to take my time on some of them. Paint one or 2 when I am looking to get some quick painting done to re-energize me on a more detailed or lengthy project.

Anyone else receive these? Anyone else have any thoughts on them? Would love to hear them in the comments below!