This morning after listening to Ben Curry’s Bad Dice Daily Bucket ( ) list I thought I would write my own! I like this kinda of thing, long term objective setting, seldom do you achieve all of your objectives but usually you achieve more than you would have if you hadn’t made a plan! My list is somewhat less ambitious than Ben’s but will still be a challenge for me!

Paint a High Elf/Tomb King Hybrid Army: The High Elf model range is just incredible with massive scope for painting and I think a tomb king army with its masses of infantry and chariots/monsters would look great as a glittering legion of High Elves! Another thing I would love to do is a Nippon/Cathay themed army with loads of oriental models, if anyone knows of a good model range give me a shout! This was really inspired by the great recent Black Sun podcast where they talked about the unofficial rules set created to cover the lesser known warhammer armies!

Play and Visit a two-three day Tournament, possibly as part of a Warhammer Holiday! I don’t get to play that often nor indeed have much free time so trying to fit this in is pretty difficult! I listen to a frightening amount of Podcasts so I really want to experience one of the big tournaments. My list would be any of these: Waaagh Paca, SCGT, Throne of Skulls and if the Blood and Glory Event comes off as well as billed! All of these events are big, social events with gaming as the core that draws everyone in. I really like the resurgence of “Hobby” at events with lots of people really pushing themselves to produce amazing armies, fluff and even display boards!

Play a Campaign with a group of friends! Replete with characters, sneaky plans and over arching treachery! I think this is always everyone’s hobby gaming pinnacle and I think it could really be a great fun year/half year experience!

Have a Hobby room with a huge custom built themed gaming table. When I first got into Warhammer the White Dwarfs and pamphlets of the time had glorious pictures of massive battlefields that the game creators had in their gaming rooms at home. I remember seeing what can only be described as a Battle County that the Perry twins had in their garage. It looked like a 6 foot by 12 foot gaming table with a huge cliff bluff, a wide river with many forks and a huge dominating castle. The board was littered with little detail like roads with wooden signs, farm holdings (with crops) and beautifully detailed forests. Now I will never own something like that but I would love to have a custom built scenic battle field (8’x4’) with loads of big scenery pieces, my only problem is designing it so it can be swiftly hidden from judging eyes (read Girlfriend).

Finally (and most ambitious of all) I would love to design my own small range of models. You may know I am a product design engineer to trade and as such live in the world of CAD, moulding and products. I really want to have a stab at designing my own model range. I would start small with perhaps a few sculpts designed in plastic, I would try to design ball and socket joint models that could be posed in infinite different ways. Maybe I should try Samurai….