Hello everyone.  Since Space Marines got their shiny new codex, there has been a few musings on one of their newest inclusions: Grav Weapons.  I am for one excited about these things, if not because of their usability, but for the simple fact that it's something new.  It's a new option to add more variables in what marines can do and how.  This might be something that breaks up the boring tenancy of seeing the same armies everywhere if people allow themselves to look past their upfront appearance.

But with these little buggers came somewhat of a conundrum.  As for their use against infantry, they seem pretty straight forward, given their their unique means of wounding.  Where the real confusion comes from is how they are used against vehicles.  Some people feel there is a doubt or an argument to be made for how they work on both sides of the fence.  So given that, I decided to poke around and see for myself just how they work.

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