Blogging about gaming for the past 9 months has had some exhausting times. Today, for example, I find myself not really wanting to think about gaming.


To a degree, it's true. This blogging journey has been excellent for getting me to enjoy a much deeper level of my gaming life, but at the same time it's hard to have those days where the only gaming I want to enjoy is something mindless. No strategy, no examination, no creativity. Just give me some mindless game and I'll be happy.

As I thought about how I didn't want to come up with something new to say about gaming, I realized that I've probably thought about gaming every day since I was a kid. Sometimes it'd be as simple as "I can't wait to get home and play ______," or as heavy as my Win At All Costs series. But something related to gaming has always been on my mind as more than a passing thought.

Is that sad? I'm not really sure. I mean gaming is so broad that the thoughts are never mundane, but at the same time it's one of the most unproductive things to ponder. Who cares about the origins of the Triforce? Why should I spend an hour watching videos about being a better Battlefield 3 player? Why visit forums and websites dedicated to things that won't make me money, improve my social skills, or really get me anywhere in life.

I'm not sure there's a good answer there. Should my thoughts be focused solely on "important stuff"? Can a person do that and be happy, let alone sane? Is wondering what will happen next in the Warmachine story any worse than caring what's happening with Robert Pattinson? Or whether my fantasy football picks were worthwhile?

I think we all need to have pointless things in our lives. Too much is dangerous, but too little is just as unwelcome. Whether I use gaming thoughts as a mental retreat from stress, a fun way to pass the time, or because I'm so excited about something I have to think about it, I have no problem with the realization that I've been doing it for over 20 years. I might not always be coming up with new things like I try to do here, but I see no signs of stopping any time soon!

See you tomorrow with something a bit more engaging!

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