Well, Saturday's tournament was interesting. I went 2-1, unfortunately. Though, as a small consolation, the gentleman that bested me was the general that took first. So at least I lost to the day's finest player.
Also unfortunately, I repeated my mistake from the last tournament. This time I learned that Typhus has a Force Weapon. Poor Wraithknight. Though I did giggle when my Guardians took out a Heldrake in the assault. That's a first for me.
After I lost round one, I just started playing with experimental strategies as I would have no chance of placing because there really isn't any kind of variance built into the scoring system. You either get max points or min points 99% of the time.
I think there were more Heldrakes at that tournament than the last several tournaments combined. It was crazy, I'm not used to that many.

And I believe that tournament will be the last primer before the GT in twelve days. I still have some reservations about my list, even though I have a silly amount of games in with it. There's just some situations that are a coin flip between incredibly easy and straight impossible.