In between painting Fire Warriors and Kroot, I worked on the seven drones that came in the box (the two missing are with the Devilfish), and finished them first.

They're painted in the same manner as the Fire Warriors and other armoured units in my Tau army, using GW Astronomican Grey as the base for the armour, and black for other things.

Marking stripes were added using an old bottle of Fiery Orange, while lenses/pulse carbines started with a base of Enchanted Blue, layered up to Ice Blue, with a reflection point in white.

There seem to be only five of these small flying bases in the Tau Battleforce box set for some reason.

The solitary marker drone, I think intended to accompany the Stealth Suits.

Hopefully the Fire Warriors and Kroot should be finished this week, then they'll be up for sale with the rest of the Battleforce.