Yay! What a week.. first my Kickstart from Reaper Bones shows up, and now the second batch from Sedition wars shows up! What is really awesome is that it also got through customs with no fuss, and this time with no fee! Super happy Mr Lee here!

Of course since I have ordered 2 of the board games, I got double the rewards! Plus my extras that I ordered in it.

Items I ordered over top of the boxset are:
  1. Calamity Crew ( Firefly crew )
  2. Susan Ridley ( Ridley from Aliens ) + Strain option
  3. Hexen Phrecirus ( 6 from Battlestar Galaxy ) + Strain Option
  4. 2x THI suits
My choices were pretty straightforward though.. I liked the firefly show ( still do actually ) and so it was a no brainer to pick it up. Ridley and 6 were also pretty cool, and I thought they would fit in nicely with the rest of the sets. The THI suits were an impulse, but I liked the original resin versions from McVey so figured why not get them for the Vanguard as well. 

Of course I also got all the normal batch 2 items for the games including the drones, the bonecrabs, the special characters and Kara Black's massive armored suit. Which again, is pretty cool. Also included are 2 painting DVDs on how to paint the Sedition wars. I seem to be collecting quite a few painting DVDs these days.. 

My initial reaction after opening the package though is that all the special characters are really small! I mean they fit in with the rest of the game, but they are really tiny in comparison to what I have been painted recently. And since I was so hyped about the firefly crew, I opened them first. Only to find that they are also multi-piece, and that Malcolm head is separate and comes with a massive mold line! ARGH.... normally not a bad thing but when on a model that is only 30mm tall, it can be pretty disgusting to try to fix. And when I say 30mm tall, I am not talking in GW terms, I am talking in more realistic terms. So he is tall but tiny at the same time! So I am a bit worried at how I will be able to get the mold lines off without completely ruining the heads. Patience will be a virtue here.. 

So now what? I have  ton of Sedition Wars models already not painted and sitting in their boxes.. I have the 2 show boxes of Reaper Bones models kicking around.. and I have 3 more board games/miniature systems on route from various other kickstarters.. Oh well.. Just means I live by the painters creedo being that so long as I have unpainted models I cannot die... right?!?!?! That is how it works is it not?  More likely it means that once this move to UK is over, I will have a lot of things to buckle down on and paint up! And to teach my little one how to play some higher up boards games instead of Angry Birds version of Sorry!

Enjoy the photos, and let's see when I get some paint on these puppies!