This model was painted up for a charity auction Help the Heroes in conjunction with Dreamlike Gaming

Typhus is a subject I always wanted to tackle, but I didn't want to paint him in the same drab greens I have seen elsewhere. This model was undercoated with white primer - something of a novelty for me as I tend to use a zenithal base to give more contrast to the finished piece. Whenever I have used a white base I find the finished piece to be lacking something, I never feel that I quite finish the model. However this was a nice departure from my usual routine, one which I will be repeating in the future. 

Typhus was painted with an eye on the old Deathguard theme of off white. I thought of curdled milk when laying down the initial layers. The brown at its very deepest was mixed with scab red. For the metallics I blended green and blue into the shadows to contrast with the warm armour. The base was constructed with cork base, the plastic from ear buds and UHU glue.
