You guys voted from me to play Blood Angels at that event over on the Forge the Narrative website, so here it is!
Game 1 Imagine the disappointment of drawing Tau round one with my Blood Angels. It had been my most difficult match up in play tests.
My opponent was a college student named Phoenix. His list was
something like:
2x skyrays
1x hammer head
2x riptides
a few units of kroot
a few units of fire warriors
a few units of pathfinders
a super commander with crisis/missile suits in tow and marker drones
My list was:
1850 Pts - Blood Angels Roster - Blood Angels Nova
HQ: Librarian in Power Armour
1 Librarian in Power Armour,
HQ: Mephiston, Lord of Death
1 Mephiston, Lord of Death,
Elite: Terminator Assault Squad
1 Terminator Assault Squad, 0 pts
4 Terminator with Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield,
1 Sergeant,
Elite: Sanguinary Priest
1 Sanguinary Priest,
1 Brother Corbulo,
1 Sanguinary Priest in Power Armour, Jump Pack
Elite: Furioso Dreadnought
1 Furioso Dreadnought,
Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship
1 Stormraven Gunship, Extra Armour
Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship
1 Stormraven Gunship, Extra Armour 5
Troops: Assault Squad
7 Assault Squad,
1 Assault Marine with Flamer,
1 Assault Marine with Flamer,
1 Sergeant, Melta Bombs Power Sword
Troops: Assault Squad
7 Assault Squad,
1 Assault Marine with Flamer
1 Assault Marine with Flamer
1 Sergeant, Melta Bombs Power Sword
Troops: Assault Squad
3 Assault Squad,
1 Assault Marine Flamer
1 Sergeant
1 Razorback
lone sergeant breaks a unit of kroot thus collecting 1 KP
After "power of the machine spirit" combined with las cannons and blood strike missiles the ravens destroy the hammer head and sky ray on his flank collecting 2 KP. mean while the assault marines stay put.
Then this happens, Mephiston collects 2 KP