Willkommen! Hos geldiniz!

So Mr. Lee takes off for another adventure in Germany to learn how to paint better. Above you can see how the Turkish culture is permeating my subconscious here and converted poor old battle worn Brekk into a local of the Anatolian culture.

His new name? Turkish Brekk Fez. Say it fast out loud, and let me know what you think of it ;) The strings from the hat are there, just this photo has them hidden. Will need to fix that for the future.

Right off the bat I can say that this class was great. Great people, great location, great paint, great end results, and great teachers ( but the last one goes without saying for all those that have gone to any of their classes already! ).

But damn if it is not tiring! Start at 6pm on a Friday, and go till you drop, only to start again at 10am the next morning. Again going into the wee hours of the night, before starting again at 10am on Sunday morning until roughly 6 or 7pm.. A very much long, intensive weekend that I suspect will only get better as they get the chances to do more of them.

So how'd everyone do? See the group photo below..

Each piece was really creative, and everyone put in a ton of effort into them. I do not think anyone walked away thinking why did I paint this, nor without learning something. Even the feedback session reflected this as well.

As you can tell from the number of busts in the photo ( though 1 is missing due to having to leave early! ) however that this was a smaller class. And although it might not have been desired by Roman and Raffa, I think it allowed everyone to have more 1 to 1 time with the MV boys, and also be able to learn more. I can see that the pupils were not the only ones to learn things though as Roman and Raffa were taking notes, and still refining this newer class that they offer ( being as this is only the 3rd time to run it so far! ). I cannot wait to see what future classes hold once they get a chance to refine it!

What was really cool was how we created a massive table for everyone to sit at. Which allowed for discussions to be thrown across the table. Be it inspiration or just word play against the poor Brekk name. Like Brekking Bad or Brekk Queen. Will save you the agony of hearing the rest that were put up, but if anyone from the class sees this, feel free to comment below with some of the others :)

Not much else to really say at this time as I am still digesting some of the information ( OK, most of the information! ) from the class. So expect a more in depth review coming. Plus some comments on what else I need to do still on poor Brekk here before I can call him finished!

Meanwhile, it is time to see the sights of Hamburg and meet up with more of the local painters! Can't wait!