Nykona here.  I am taking over for Loken on Apocalypse40K.  And hopefully, keeping you all entertained as well. 

Loken will be posting about the change later today.  Like Loken I am all 40K, and a Forge World junkie.  I am a Raven Guard player (obviously), though I also have Blood Angels and Dark Angels.  Still waiting to see what Traitor Legions I will build, though Alpha Legion has my attention.  The battles between them and the Raven Guard demand attention.  

So let's start off my run on this blog with some AMAZING new models from Forge World for the Hours Heresy.

The Word Bearer Ashen Circle are truly amazing models.  They are available here.  They are £36 or $58 for 5.

The Kakophoni are beautiful models and will surely please any follower of Fulgrim. They are available here.  They are £34 or $54.50 for 5.

The Word Bearers are right up my alley.  I love me some assault troops.

What unit are you waiting for?
