By Spaguatyrine
This past Saturday as I was driving up to Games 2 Die 4 to get in a practice game I noticed a ton of cars in the parking lot...
At first I was like Yes!!! But then I realized there was a magic pre-release and was like...
But then I walked in and observed every table except the two large gaming tables unused. There was hope for a game.
Then the players started coming in. Wouldn't you know it Scottydont walked in with his pretty colored salamanders. Then Carl walked in with his blood angels, another player with Tau, etc. It was great to see my good friend Scott coming in for some 40k. The buzz was humming as players were trying out the new space marine hotness.
The Saturday before there were 5 players in the store as well. It is nice to see the buzz start up again and I intend to help push the excitement along. I am going to run a tournament hopefully the week I get back from Feast of Blades. Run a fun tournament where all the prizes are random and it doesn't matter if you win or lose.
Back in the saddle again it appears. I am seeing some really good competitive builds and just "real fun" looking units out of the new space marine codex. As I have spoken to many in the shop that I feel GW is doing a good job in making each 6th edition codex very playable with so many options that anyone could have a good time. And let's face it.... that is why we play the game to have a good time with great friends. :)
I look forward to seeing you guys on the tables...
What do you see that you like out of the space marine codex?
Anything you want to try?
I see players coming back to 40K …..By Spaguatyrine
by spaguatyrine | Sep 24, 2013