Tomorrow's the big day! I'm stoked for this as the Michigan GT will be the largest 40k event I've ever attended.

For objective markers, it seem Fate anticipated my laziness. While I was moving some models around in my hobby room, I found three Guardian weapons platforms that all had the shield/gun holder bit detached. I was about to toss them in a box with other models needing repair when I realized that they would make perfect objective markers! And they were already fully painted which was a deciding factor.

Well, after work today, it will be time to get everything packed up and ready to go for the morning, as well as get to bed a little earlier than usual.
I've noticed a trend lately, that the night before a tournament around 1 AM, I am woken up by something loud and stupid. Be it someone shooting off a ton of firecrackers in the street, a bat that decides to do a sonar opera outside of my bedroom window, or something similar. Perhaps I will actually get good sleep tonight.

Here's to hoping.