From Forge World:
When the situation calls for a prolonged deployment, Space Marines can rapidly construct modular fortified structures, known as Castellum Strongholds, to use as forward operating bases on a planet’s surface.
Designed by Blake Spence, the Realm of Battle Space Marine Castellum Stronghold is a 24" x 24" (609 mm x 609 mm) tile which can fit the Citadel Realm of Battle board. The model features areas that can accommodate Tarantula Sentry turrets, and its design allows several boards to be put together, expanding the size of the base. The Castellum Stronghold will be available as a pre-release at Games Day UK in limited quantities.
The Castellum Stronghold comes in at a very reasonable £ 90 or $ 145.
From Forge World:
Since the dark times of the Horus Heresy, in honour of their Primarch Ferrus Manus, the Iron Hands ritually replace their right hands with a mechanical augmentation; to them flesh has become symbolic of weakness and weakness is something that they will not tolerate.
Designed by Israel Gonzalez, the Iron Hands Legion Squad is a five man multi-part kit fitted out in Mk III Iron Armour that features many details such as cybernetic limbs, a nuncio-vox and an auspex. This kit will be available as a pre-release at Games Day UK in limited quantities.
These models are AMAZING. They cost £32 or $51 a set.
Can Forge World please stop making me want to play more armies?