Last week I came to a realisation that I could pour a great deal more effort into this blog and myself in order to improve. As a result of that realisation and some advice from Certs (over at Certs-tabletop) I have renamed this blog and am in the process of giving it an overhaul. Gone will be World Wide Webway and in its place, The Warlock's Domain. Instead of posting for the sake of posting and to spout my opinion across the virtual seas I'm going to blog with a purpose and that purpose, as put forward by CK over at House of Paincakes, is to hobby at all costs (HAAC).
Following on from my last post which has been deleted, my aim within my domain is to post at least once a fortnight with actual and hopefully substantial hobby progress occurring. This restriction may be bent a little on occasion, mainly during holidays or if I am unable to get anything done.
The future holds many great things.
Welcome to my domain, enter if you dare
by The Warlock | Sep 30, 2013