The newest edition of Malifaux has released with a lot of favorable reviews. The new edition has apparently fix a lot of issues from the first game, making it a better experience overall.
As I've been reading up on Malifaux for over a year now, but I've never been able to talk anyone in to making the jump with me. With a new edition's release it's much easier to start a game because it's free from all the bloat that an established game has. While it's the perfect time to buy the rulebook and a couple starter boxes, I just can't make myself do it.
I think I've finally hit my limit on the number of hobbies I can juggle, especially with the November flood of video games coming out. Between painting and playing Warmachine, as well as enjoying video games and Magic when I have a chance, it's hard to even fathom squeezing another game's rules in to my brain. Not to mention my ongoing desire to somehow fit board games in to my
I actually hate to admit defeat on this one because I love the Malifaux miniatures. I also love skirmish games, and the low model count is very appealing. Add to that the fact that you use a Fate deck in lieu of actual dice and you have a very unique game that I really want to try out.
Sadly, I just don't see myself fitting in another miniature's game, and Warmachine is definitely my main game. I knew I'd eventually have to draw the line on how many games I could juggle without sacrificing time elsewhere, but who knew I'd only be able to manage a single non-video game?
Oh well, in this case I'll definitely take quality over quantity if it means I can at least be decent at one game.
See you tomorrow!
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