Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy there fellow bloggers and lurkers in the shadows... I bet you all thought that today's post would be about the BAM Workshops with Massive Voodoo! Sorry to disappoint but no such luck. My brain and body are fried after such an experience that I need time to recover before I can properly explain and describe what I went through ( All positive! Or at least 95%... maybe 90... depends on what we had the night before to eat... :) ).

But to kick things off here is a small collection of the photos I took while we did a walk around after the first workshop weekend. The guys, Roman and Raffa, plus some other Hamburg Locals; Steffen, Arne, Heiko and some guy named Michelle?!? Took us on a walk around the city, and through the Modelleisenbahn Wunderland!

I have seen videos and reviews of this place and was always fascinated by it. So having the chance to see it in person ( even if it cost 12 euros a person ) was too much to say no to! Check out the small video they have below...

Honestly though this doesn't do it justice though. I mean we spent a good 2 or 3 hrs in the place, and near the end felt exhausted. So much so that we fell victim to their cafeteria food ( which is better than that I have found in other more reputable places so.. ) and relaxed before seeing the city.

But there was so much to see.. and so many little hidden scenes throughout the exhibits. I put some into my picasa album, see if you can spot which ones I mean :)

I truly believe that even if I go back to Hamburg again in the future ( which is highly likely considering how welcome everyone was at the Wu Dao school ) I would go to this exhibit again! And most likely still be finding things I did not see the first time around!

I mean if I went back I would have to try to go to the scenes in the opposite time of day/night cycle as I had last night. Since the whole place would go from day to night in a 15 minute rotation. So the scenes and what was put into focus changed constantly throughout the trip!

But when it was all done, as stated, we went for a tour around the city a bit more. Get some of that local feel.. and also to walk through an underground tunnel! I remember everyone telling me the history and stories behind it but I think the walking did my brain in as well and I forgot everything they said! Doh!

Was quite impressive though all the same. More so considering that it caters to pedestrians, cyclists, and cars! Has stairs for those walking and wishing to hike up and down them. But also foot traffic elevators, and car elevators!

Pretty cool! And we saw other things too but mostly this Michelle guy/person kept asking for his photo to be taken.. so here are a few to cater to his inner narcissist mentality ;)

I picked the most flattering of him of course!

Was a great time though, and was happy to see some of the city while we had the chance. As much as I would love to have been painting instead, I think this was much more needed considering what was to come over the rest of the week! Sounds ominous.. doesn't it? Not really, but still lots was done, and the beastly model was painted further.. stay tuned for those photos! In the meantime, check out the Picasa folder to see more of the Wunderland, and our tour of the city..