The rules for Space Marine Legions from "Massacre" have been released.

How long do I have to wait for my Raven Guard?  (OK next book, I know)

via Brother Garrod on BoLS

Iron Hands
Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties.
Inviolate Armour - Shooting attacks against models with the Legiones Astartes ( Iron Hands ) special rule reduce their strength by -1
Stand and Fight - Must pass a leadership test to make sweeping advances after winning an assault or to make a run in the shooting phase. May not voluntarily go to ground.
Rigid Tactics - An Iron Hands detatchment may not have more units with the jump infantry , bike or jetbike types than it does the infantry type. Note because of this , certain rites of war are unavailable to Iron Hand armies.

Night Lords
Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties.
Talent for Murder - If a unit with the Legiones Astartes (Night Lords) special rule outnumber one or more enemy infantry units during any initiative step in which they fight an assault , they gain +1 to wound (bulky models count as 2 models and very bulky count as 3).
Nostraman Blood - All models with this special rule fall back +1" further than normal , if the fail a pinning test , they may elect to fall back instead.
Night Vision 
From the Shadows - All units with this special rule have a 6+ cover save on the first turn of the game. Even in open ground this may be combined with Stealth etc as normal, but other forms of cover which provide a higher save supersede it
Seeds of Dissent - If an army's warlord is slain , each unit in the army with this special rule must take an immediate morale check as if they hailed just suffered 25% casualties from shooting


Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties.
Strength of Will - Automatically pass all fear tests and must re-roll a single d6 when morale and pinning tests are failed.
Promethean Gift - All hand flamers , flamers and heavy flamers used by a unit with this special rule count as having +1 strength. In addition, any enemy flamer based attacks used against them are reduced in strength by -1
Nocturne Born - all units with the Legiones Astartes (Salamanders) special rule do not add their initiative score to any sweeping rolls and reduce their randomly rolled run and charge distances by -1 to a minimum of 1"

Word Bearers

Legiones Astartes - May always attempt to regroup at their normal leadership value regardless of casualties.
True Believers - All units with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule roll 3d6 for all morale tests and pick the two lowest dice.
Cut Them Down - All units with the Legiones Astartes (Word Bearers) special rule must always make sweeping advances when possible and must re-roll results of a 1.
Charismatic Leadership - Any primary detachment force chosen from the Word Bearers legion must take a second compulsory HQ choice on the force organisation chart ( where a second choice is allowed) this choice must always be either a Centurion or Chaplain consul.

So, any thoughts on what the best army rules are?
