General greetings, and welcome to the second installment of The Showdown.  With the Space Marine codex hot off the presses, the masses of the internet have begun to sift through its pages in search of the ever popular "optimized net-list."  While my feels on the codex vary, it looks like a solid codex with several good choices.  That said, it does feel some options can be much more useful than others with very little effort.  But that is not the point of this article.  This showdown stems from the grav-weaponry introduced to the Marine players as a genuinely new trick they have to bring to the table.  But given it's use, and it's fairly direct competition from plasma weapons based on point cost, stats, and who it is that can bring these weapons, it is this comparison with plasma that strikes most when it comes to the question, "How viable are the new Grav weapons?"  So lets take a look and find out.

WARNING: the following is based completely on my views as a player, and I recognize bias is ever an issue with opinion/observation-based articles.  As such, take all that you read with a colossal size grain of that naturally occurring, flavor enhancing crystal.

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