So I showed up to the inaugural Michigan GT with my Grey Knights and a dream and ended up coming away with the best general award.  In a sea of Tau and Eldar builds the Knights needed to represent for the imperium.  Here's the list:

Inquisitor with the psyker upgrade and 3 servo skulls
X2 Storm Ravens w/ hurricane bolters, assault cannon, multi melta, and psy ammo
X3 Dreadknights w/ heavy incinerator
X2 Henchmen squads w/ x2 jokaero and x10 warrior acolytes w/ storm bolters
X2 Henchmen squads w/ x2 jokaero, x9 warrior acolytes w/ storm bolters, and x1 warrior w/ a bolter
X2 Henchmen squads w/ x3 crusaders
Aegis defense line

My basic strategy for most games was simple. Deploy henchmen goons behind defense line on back field objectives and shoot. Deep strike Dreadknights to torch troops in cover. Annihilate high value targets with Ravens and drop the crusaders end game to control opponents objectives.  For the most part this worked.

I have to say the hidden gems of the army were the servo skulls and crusaders.  Everything else pulled their weight, but these two made or break many games.  Servo skulls handed me the relic mission when they told Draigo and his Paladin buddies to slow their roll when trying to scout forward. And the crusaders held on to their objectives behind their storm shields as the adversary tried desperately to push them off. The skulls also helped with strategic deep strikes and mind strike missile shots.

The most important factor though in my opinion was knowing my army.  The strengths and weaknesses, and what units were best suited for each task.  I've been playing a variant of this list for over a year now and know it through and through.  Making subtle changes gradually as I go, to slowly improve it over time without going totally nuts and doing complete 180's.

The list handled both Tau, Eldar, and flying circus well. With my only loss coming from Ken Brunner and his strong Zombie Cron list.  Note, keep Dreadknights away from Typhus and mind shackle
 scarabs.  Mind strike missiles were the trump card to both draigowing and fate weaver, putting perils wounds out like crazy. Also don't forget Coteaz and his spy network, as they saved me twice from being seized on. Starting things off with a mental victory right off the bat is an invaluable boon.

Hopefully this helps some of you fellow daemon hunters out there.  I for one will keeping cleansing evil wherever I find it. Gradually improving and moulding the list to the environment at hand.  Thanks for reading.