I also had a wee stab at Object Source Lighting (OSL) around the torch that will ignite the heroic Orc about to be launched out to chop up some Knights! Once again didnt come out quite how I wanted but I think it works a little. The metal work also needs another wash just to dirty it up again so a light Agrax earthshade is in order. Anyway light me know what you guys think!
***Edit I did this last night and the models look alot better for it, the tusks and details are now picked out and I'm much happier with it!***
Also at the bottom is a wee update of the army so far, just 3 trolls, 9 boars a BSB and 7 Black Orcs to go and ill have 2250pts finished! Once I get that batch done I'll assess where I am and if I can stretch for it ill also do another 8 chariots and night gobbo wizard which with some tweaking fit in 2250 and make for a much more fun army!