It's that time again, scratch build fans!  Time to give a small update on the progress I've made on those Heldrakes, focusing on the engines I've put together.

I opted for a simple design, hexagonal in nature.  I decided not to worry about making sure each of the angles was the same, but made each side the same length.  In this instance the engines are wider than they are tall.

The most difficult decision was deciding how to proceed after making this piece.  I ultimately chose to use the ridged caps from my Alumilite resin bottles.  They have a great stepped ridge in a circular pattern, perfect for the exhaust portion of the engine.

So far, the heldrake is looking pretty good.  I'm not sold on the top, though.  I may tear it apart and try to fix the upper portion, perhaps try to make it look more like a spine and less like pieces added to the top.