This game is #3 of my Nova Open battle reports (1 and 2). I'm having some issues with photos (ie may have accidentally lost some), so its possible some of the other 5 will be combined and lack pictures, I apologize in advance if thats how it goes.

My opponent's list was pretty standard (for mine check post one):

Hive Tyrant, Wings, TL Devourers
Hive Tyrant, Wings, TL Devourers
Devilgants w/pod
2 squads of gants
3 Tervigons
Doom of Malantai w/pod

The setup was vanguard, and the mission was The Relic.

This game definitely suffered from horde syndrom, as we misheard the announcer and wrapped up early (we thought the 3 min warning was the 15 minute and called the game, not that we could've finished a turn in 15 anyway) at the bottom of Turn 3.

Ok, so my opponent setup as forward as he could go, wanting to get onto that relic. I deployed forward as well, hoping to pound him in the middle. I had the first turn, so I rushed my rhinos up. My opponent spawned Gants onto the relic, and frankly, they never lost the thing, lol.



I rushed forward, and wanting to neutralize the front lines, I charged the Tervigon. The combat would last basically the rest of the game, as I gradually whittled the monster's wounds down. He died in turn 3, taking some gants with him. Unfortunately by that time, the relic had been pulled back substantially onto my opponent's side.



I moved my daemons up to try to get range on gants, knowing the S6 dakka would reliably put a dent in the horde. My sorcerer and plague marines moved into combat with a gant squad, where they would sit the rest of the game. My opponent attempted to deep strike his Hive Tyrant, mishapped, and lost him to the warp. It was pretty brutal. The other came on the next turn. My Hades heldrake came on, but the Baleflamer one never made it in. The drake sparred with a tervigon, but didn't have a big impact on the game due to coming in turn 3 and the game ending turn 3.




My opponent moved the relic termagants back to the rear building, securing it for the rest of the game, I would've shot my rhinos forward to engage, but my marines never had the chance to disembark lol.




My opponent dropped his pods around my backfield, and between the doom smashing my line (I believe this happened bottom of 2) and the devilgants hitting my havocs (although the sergeant somehow survived) in turn 3, I wound up losing the objective. I also managed to charge the back terv with some cultists, which didn't do much but hold it in place, sadly it didn't wind up factoring into the game. Since this was a cumulative mission, when totaled out my opponent got 2 of the table quarter objectives and I didn't have any, so down that game went.

Big lesson I've learned about the aegis from NOVA is that people love to come in behind them, and with pink horrors and havocs, you really need the save, lol. Other than that, I've learned to be more careful with the Lord squad and try to keep them around for late turn contesting, that's what bikes seem to do best.