Hey folks,

I have recently received a commission in the mail, and I have been slowly painting away at it. The first item is a Skarbrand conversion. The brief was simple enough, a tabletop quality Skarbrand, painted like a standard Khorne Daemon with some OSL. After some inspiration hunting, I dived right in.

I am pretty pleased with how this chap came out. I am quite fond of the red, and the OSL was pretty quick to pull off. I am also happy with the lighting on the feet, and how the model comes together. Here are some close ups.

Skarbrand Skarbrand
I find a deep red like this very easy to achieve. I know red is a problem color for a lot of people, but patience really helps when painting. The mini comes from White Metal Games, and he has some photos of the assembled minis that I am working on. You can also check out how Skarbrand looks without any paint here.

That’s it for today. The next item on my list is a Khorne Lord of Skulls, so expect to see some work in progress shots soon!