TJ here with a ton of photos of my Oblits which were made from the original three Hi-Tech Miniatures Terrorizer models (now I believe there are three more additional models). These models are a lot nicer than the GW models and make great oblits. I painted them up in the same scheme as the rest of my End of Days army, so let's take a look:

This is my favorite of the three models. I wanted to break up the flat surface on the chest so I gave him some hazard stripes and have them a little highlighting as well. The purple robes are similar to my Keeper of Secret's tentacles and the robes on my fateweaver, which is also the same scheme as the khorne hounds I recently painted.

One of the things I love about this line are the faces stretched out on the shoulder pads with hoses going into them. I wanted to make them look like they were animated by same blue energy that is a constant theme in the End of Days army, so I added it in and I think it looks suitably nasty.

The toxic tank is one of my favorite features of the model.

I wasn't a big fan of the Mega Death skull on the side, but now I think it looks pretty cool. I think if I chose a traditional 40k theme for the army, it would bother me, but considering my alternative theme, It actually works.

This model is actually my contender for my favorite of the three. I know for certain I like the arms better. The skull face with the mask is also pretty cool.

I love the skull shaped shoulder pad here and all I can think of is how this arm could be made into a Burning Brand arm for a Chaos Terminator Lord.

The back of this model is really cool with its nasty flesh and cables.

Another great face that is also puking up the twisted muscle of the arm!

Here is a closer look at that skull face.

And now my least favorite of the trio. He isn't super-terrible, but he is certainly not as cool as his buddies. He does come with some cool weapons options though.

Here there is an odd cthulu ish face puking the corrupted flesh onto the arm. the assault cannon is actually pretty cool here.

Then there is the back, which includes a belt of ammo for the assault cannon arm, which is actually pretty nice and is a nice feature on an otherwise weaker model.

This arm (and the arms in general) really save this last model for me. This face and the whole lascannon arm are really imposing and detailed. Behind the shoulder pad you can also see the Destroyer Hive-type chimneys on the actual body of the model.

I had a ton of fun painting these and I have a few more of these same models that I am actually converting right now to add into the force. I would recommend these models to anybody who wants some cool looking oblits and if you don't like the last one, just don't buy it. Hi-Tech offers more of these models now anyway, so check them out.

As always, I would love to hear what you think!