The Army Painter

For many years I've relied on cheap craft paints for all my painting needs.  Often I've been frustrated by thin coats and unwanted textures.  I primarily paint Games Workshop miniatures and I was never very satisfied with Citadel paints, they always seemed to dry out before I got to use them all.  I'm happy to say that I've found a new brand and a brand that I can happily recommend to my fellow gamers and artists alike.

I recently started using Army Painter brand primers, paints and washes.  They produce spray primers with 100% match bottled paints.  This makes the painting process a breeze.  No longer do I spend hours applying base coat after base coat.  Now in minutes I can apply a solid primer and base coat in one.

Using their bottled paints for touch ups and detail work has been the single best experience I've had with a paint product.  It goes on one smooth coat each time, every time.

You can buy online or check your local retailer.  The primers are a bit pricey at $14.99 a can, but believe me when I tell you the quality and time you'll save more than make up for it.