Normally, I try to keep my number of active projects to a minimum, preferably no more than one or two. This doesn’t necessarily include half-done things that I’ll get back to eventually (like my Malifaux crew), but things I’ve actively worked on in the last week or so. However, something about this month had me grabbing things right and left and starting work on them. I don’t know if I’m just particularly inspired or what.

First off, the additional Crusaders for my Black Templar painting challenge:

wip_crusadersThey’re coming along; I have most of the base color down. Now I need to get to washes, details, and cleanup. Oh, and there’s a combi-plasma to start painting as well.

Next, my Honor Guard:

wip_honor_guardThese guys are cobbled together from the new Sternguard and Vanguard boxes, along with bits from the Black Templar kit and a few spare pieces from the Command Squad. See the guy with the staff back there? That’s a banner pole, and the banner is also primed black and ready for freehanding. I figure I’ll paint it separately and then glue it on when I’m done, so his body is easier to paint.

In honor of them, I also started on a Drop Pod, because I want multiple ways to get them into the fight:

wip_drop_podIt’s very early yet; I’ve just been using Boltgun Metal on the doors and interior, and I’ll probably give that some cursory touch-up before slathering the whole thing in a black wash. After that, it’s on to cleanup. This one could go either way – very quick and simple, or very slow and detailed. Going to try to cheat my way down the middle with washes and such.

Not to be ignored, I finally got around to working on my Eldar Rangers, along with Illic Nightspear to make them Pathfinders:

wip_pathfindersIn retrospect, basecoating them blue when I spray-based the rest of my Alaitoc Eldar was a mistake, because there’s actually very little blue on them. They’re not quite done yet; I’ll work on finishing them after the Crusaders, since they’re the next most finished unit not in a painting challenge. Again, washes have been so good to me here, especially on the robes. I’m also doing their helms in bone and then hitting them with a yellow glaze. I did this on my war walkers recently, and I love how it came out.

Finally, my Chaos Marines are getting some love too, in the form of some air support:

wip_heldrakeI’m in the very early stages of assembly on the Heldrake. I’m keeping the wing assemblies separate for easier painting. I probably should have kept each wing panel separate, but this is a decent compromise between speed of assembly and paintability. I will say that as complex as the model looks, the kit is very easy to put together. I really like it.

I also have a Stormraven for my Templars, but it’s still sitting in the box. I imagine I’ll assemble it after the Heldrake’s together (minus the wings, of course).