Not much hobby time this week I'm afraid, though I did manage to build the two Contemptors which was fun!

The first one is running a pair of kheres assault cannons, which just pours out a ton of shots and with the addition of the mortis rules in Massacre, it's also an effective anti-air model which my army was definitely lacking.

The second contemptor is the jack of all trades variety, with a power fist, and a magnetized weapon arm allowing me to choose from an array of weapon options. At the moment I'm going with a twin linked lascannon, but I do want to pick up a plasma cannon and multi-melta as well.

Here's the pair of 'em, reasonably pleased with how the builds worked out. The iron hands contemptor models have some rather serious gotchas in the build process, all those hoses and conduits hanging down from the abdomen and torso look great but really interfere with the waist and hips. Overall though, great models - I love all the pose options you get with this kit!