TaleOfTwoArmies copy

As we hurtle towards the end of October we’re also fast approaching the next game Lee and I slog out for A Tale of Two Gamers. This month it’s a one thousand point game of fisticuffs. Surprisingly it was me that took the longest to write my army list as although the units I was adding was simple enough – Skullcrushers & Knights – it was the tweaking and jiggling about to get the most out of my army as possible, which primarily revolved around keeping my hero alive. And adding a little juice to make life unpleasant for his Imperial foes.

So, for your reading pleasure Lee & I humbly submit to you our 1,000 point army lists.


Exalted Champion – 110 points – von Strauss the Red

Mark of Khorne +10

Enchanted Shield +5

Sword of Battle +20

Hideous Visage +5

Soul Feeder +10

Total 160 points


10 Chaos Warriors – 140 points

Mark of Khorne +20

Shields +10

Total 170 points


15 Marauders – 90 points

Mark of Khorne + 30

Light Armour +15

Shields +15

Chieftain +10

Standard +10

Total 170 points


6 Warhounds – 36 points

Total 36 points


5 Knights of Chaos – 200 points

Mark of Khorne +10

Ensorcelled Weapons +15

Total 225 points


3 Skullcrushers of Khorne – 225 points

Ensorcelled Weapons +9

Total 234 points


Overall Total 995 points


Captain – 60 points – Baron Ludwig von Bomburg

Full Plate Armour +6

Sword of Might +20

Enchanted Shield +5

Handgun +5

Total 96 points


Battle Wizard – 65 points – Jurgen the Wyrd

Level 2 +35

Total 100 points


34 Spearmen – 170 points

Sergeant, Standard Bearer & Musician +30

Total 200


10 Halberdiers – 60 points

Total 60 points


10 Hand Gunners 90 points

Total 90 points


5 Archers – 35 points

Total 35 points


5 Knights – 110 points

Inner Circle +15 points

Total 125


3 Demigryph Knights – 174 points

Total 174 points


Great Cannon – 120 points

Total 120 points


Overall Total 1,000 points