I've got thousands of pictures related to the hobby, ranging from games to collections to tournaments and back, going back a lot of years.  From a blogging standpoint, the problem is you pick through and use only a few from the many.  There are many, many unused pictures, most of them from tournaments over the years.  Occasionally, I'll drop some in the Backlog.

Most of the rest of the pictures are from an RTT back in the... I have no idea.  A long time ago.

Now just a random collection of pics grabbed almost at random.

This was the Lone Wolf in Dallas, Texas.  I think it was 2007.  I got kicked around the board bad.  Still do.  I love my old Minotaurs, but they don't seem to work out so well for me.

Ah, the old Dyson Pattern Storm Raven!  I made some changes to it later, but I rather liked it more this way.  It's as streamlined as any of the other Space Marine fliers, which is to say not at all.